Meal delivery

Have you ever ordered one of those meal subscription boxes and been really into it for a while till the busyness of work, kids, and life in general got in the way? What if you could have ready made meals that met your dietary needs, that tasted good, and only needed simple reheating? That is where we come in. We only eat tasty, nutritious and exciting meals in our home and we believe you should too. 

What you can expect:

  • Fully pre-prepared meals delivered straight to your refrigerator

  • Reheat and serve in 20 minutes or less

  • Personalized weekly menus to meet your family’s dietary needs

  • No monthly commitment

If you’re curious what our regular menus look like, you can look at our sneak peaks here!

Dining experiences

Each dining experience is unique and we won’t lie - this is the service we love doing the most. Maybe that’s because we get to be part of something special in your life, and that feels special for us. Whether it’s to celebrate an anniversary, engagement, a friend get-together, holiday, birthday, etc. we’re just excited to be a part. Our Dining experiences are fully customizable, take place in your home, and create memories that last a lifetime.

What you can expect:

  • A fully customized menu created specifically your experience

  • A start-to-finish dining experience for 2-12 (planning, cooking, serving, and even leaving your kitchen spotless at the end)

Custom events

Events can be a hassle to plan, and we’re happy to alleviate the stress by providing you with an organized, well-thought-out dining experience for larger parties.

Holiday parties, bachelorettes, baby showers, really parties of any kind. Anything you can think of, we can make happen. Or at least try.

What you can expect:

  • Custom menu(s)

  • Start-to-finish Dining experience for 12+ (planning, cooking, serving, and even leaving your kitchen spotless at the end)

All of our dining services are fully customizable. All you have to do is ask!